Thursday, January 21, 2010

In my dreams...

Ok, Ok. I know it looks like I haven't been keeping up with my end of the bargain (see: entertaining the three people who actually read this), but I have a good excuse.

See, what happened was I won a few thousand dollars in the lottery. And instead of paying off my bills like any normal person would do, I cashed in the cha-ching and bought myself a ticket to the Bahamas for a week. Just me, unlimited amounts of alcohol, relaxation and a tan. In fact, I just woke up from a nap in which I had the wierdest dream where discovered that I am a compulsive liar. Oh, wait. That wasn't a dream...

So, the real story is somehwat less exciting (see: work-related). I picked up another client to freelance for, so I've been spending my extra time working on some new business ventures. This is AWESOME for me, but for you, probably not so much.

Just so you know, I'm around.

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