Saturday, January 9, 2010

Corrupt politicians...What else is new?

Why Chicago is going down the shitter.
Now, I may be taking out all of my angst for Chicago politics on Huberman, but...I'm ok with that. Let me explain. Huberman, the chief of Chicago Public Schools, has taxpayers forking out $1,800 a month on his "private travel." I don't know about other taxpayers, but I could care less how this sponge gets around town. Hell, he can take a bus or the El like I had to, or walk down unshoveled sidewalks in a foot of snow, like I had to. Let me also point out that it's not like he is making tiddly-winks for a salary here, either. The man makes $230,000 a year! He could easily afford his own car, or taxi, or take the Metra down to Springfield like everyone else! The Chicago Public schools are cutting important programs like music and art classes, and this asshole is taking taxpayer money, $21,600 of it annually, for his liesure!
The real problem is that it's not just one poltician reverse-Robin Hooding himself, it's all of them. They are taking our money, our HARD-EARNED money, and making a mockery of us all. The Chicago Public Schools need all the help they can get. Huberman should be donating to these kids, not taking their futures away from them. If you'll excuse me, I have to go throw-up now...

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