Wednesday, March 11, 2009


While I am pretty dedicated to my dislike for Chicago, it was brought to my attention that Nadeya Suleman is a disaster. This girl needs some blogging...
Dear Naedya,
You are one crazy bitch. I can't seem to understand anything about you, except for the fact that people like you are the reason our economy is so messed up. Do you watch the news? I'm sure you do, you're on it every damn day.
Why, in God's green earth, would you have six embryo's implanted in your uterus when you don't have a job, are not married, and already have six little rugrats running around?
I could understand if you get pregnant as a result of a crazy night with memories of Patron and Makers. I could even understand if you got caught up in the moment and had unprotected sex. Hell, I would even believe 3 different forms of failing birth control. But, I will never understand what you did. There are plenty of ways to make money.
For example, you could strip. From what I can see, you don't have a strand of moral fiber in your being, so I don't think taking your clothes off for money would be that big of a problem for you.
Hey, why not be a prostitute? Oh, that's right, you don't like to have sex, you just like to be implanted with things (babies, collagen, etc.).
I hate people like you. You are a drain on society and a disgrace to the human race. Get a job.
You already got $4,000 a month for your other kiddos, and now you have 8 more. You get more free money than I earn in a year- and I have a college degree, and a job!
We should put you in jail. Better yet, we should rip out your uterus and put it on display at Ripley's Believe it or Not, because trust me, no one would believe that someone as stupid as you exists.
What was going through that little head of yours? I'm guessing nothing because its too full of fake shit. And by the way, you are not Angelina Jolie. Even she's not as crazy as you.
So, Octo-Mom, I guess what I am trying to say is get off my t.v., radio, magazines, and perezhilton. Your face makes me want to get my tubes tied, and I'm only 23. I don't want to raise your kids, hell, I don't even know if I want to raise my own. But, I do know that you are one crazy bitch.

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