Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fortune Cookie

So, to keep with Irish tradition, I got Chinese food on St. Patrick's Day (wait a minute....). The best part of ordering Chinese food is always the fortune cookie (maybe not the cookie itself-I tend to think it tastes like Church communion). I always wait until I finish eating my Chow Lo Mein, and save my future for last, and today was no exception. I cracked the shell, and pulled out the treasure waiting for me inside:

"Beautiful things await you."

Wait. What? (Read it again.)

As it turns out, this little nugget of inspiration couldn't be more dead-on. I just can't help but wonder what the definition of "beautiful" is in this context. Is it beautiful in my eyes, or someone elses? Or, is it some kind of supernatural phenomena that is going to transform my life into one of purpose and service? Maybe I'm reading waaayyy to into this...maybe it just simply means I'm going to buy a new outfit, or some sexy shoes.

Regardless of the intended meaning, I'm going to live the shit out of this fortune cookie because ya know what? Beautiful things DO await me.

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